Onscreen Evaluation System (OES)

While online examination is the much easier way, to publish the result in more accurate and faster, still in education institutions follow, descriptive examinations where the answer books are hand written and manual evaluation. The challenges of conventional evaluation are, the evaluators are to be invited to evaluation centre or allow the evaluators to carry the answer books. The allocation of answerbooks to evaluators and result publication depends on performance of evaluators Imagine a software solution, where evalutors take one answerbook complete it take another, instead of allocating a bulk number of answerbooks to all evaluators using a computer . Onscreen Evaluation System provides sunch a solution where the answer books are bar-coded to maintain confidentiality and scanned. The images loaded into the system and evaluators verify on screen with the provision to do scrible, write, comment commenting, annotating onscreen. It would be great help to evaluators if they can see the Question paper and Model answer book by side, with this sysetm does.


A Registrar of University or a Controller of Examination, definitely expect a quick result publication and if the system provides to enter the marks while evaluating, at the end of evaluation of an answerbook, the score is also loaded into the server. Quick evaluation should not fail to ensures the the minimum time of evaluation or the minimum time spent in an answerbook and maximum evaluation in a day. System based checks for Marks enterned, and auto totalling of obtained marks considering for Attended and Optional Question attended are additional feature of the system The evaluated images are bound as PDF file along with question paper, summary top sheet and provided as a proof of electronically evaluated answerbook. In case of re-evaluation, transparency of first evaluation, and the second evaluator tends to follow the first evaluator are the additional challenges. In this system, load the image again and allocate to another evaluator, so that second evaluator can give fresh look into the answer book. The evaluator wise subject wise, progress , tabulated result, award sheet are some of the highlights of the system.